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  • Writer's picturePat Smith

Men's Ministries Come Together to Complete Wheelchair Ramp Project

Updated: Jun 28

By Pat Smith

Imagine being stuck inside your house because of mobility issues.

This was a real possibility for Grace House member Ken Robbins this past summer. Ken was hospitalized for a few weeks during a lengthy illness, followed by a few weeks stay at a rehab facility to gain strength to go home. As the time came for Ken to be discharged, Ken’s wife, Barbara, was told he’d need a wheelchair ramp at home.

“I began to pray.” Barbara said. “Time was running out and I had no idea what to do. How many of you know when you don’t see an answer you have to rely on the Holy Spirit and faith to guide the rest of the way.”

Barbara explained their plight to Pastoral Care Pastor Gary Cosby. Soon, the project started to take shape.

Grace House Pastor Eddie Lawrence commissioned Hugh Stone, who also serves in Pastoral Care, to assemble a team to get the job done. Hugh learned that Cross Point Church of Christ in Florence had a team of men who built wheelchair ramps. He contacted the group, who agreed to join with Grace House to complete the project.

“Pastor Hugh was determined to get this built.”

Barbara said.

Grace House men answered the call to work. Along with the Cross Point team, headed by Sonny Pollock with Chipper and Bobby, were Grace House members David Clark, Jason Deaton, Jeremy Holden, Michael Sledge, and Pastor Hugh, the ramp was built all the way to threshold of the door, to make the transition smooth for Ken.

 “The spirit of cooperation and service was evident from the very beginning.” Hugh Stone said. “To have two churches work together with each individual preferring others over themselves was nothing short of miraculous.”

Hugh added that the men on the Cross Point team expressed the same sentiment on the unity of the combined effort. “…the way that we joined and shouldered the burden of the fruit of this labor of love.”

Barbara remarked “I cannot find the words to express my gratitude for all those who we’re involved in making this a reality. I am thankful for Cross Point Church of Christ and all those brothers who came out that day, and I am so glad to be a part of Grace House. We are truly a family.”

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